General Parent Information
This webpage is a collection of general information that is helpful for you as a parent/guardian. You'll find links to our Parent/Student Handbook and our Uniform Policy. For more information or questions you may have, please contact the school office at 770-942-4504.
At Go Christian Academy all Elementary students Kindergarten and up will be required to wear a basic uniform. We believe this will help with positive student behavior, academic performance, and overall success. Not only do uniforms eliminate a distraction for students, they allow teachers to focus on academics as well.
We believe at Go Christian Academy that the Preschool and Elementary school years are the beginning of a student’s foundation for learning and that is where the love of learning begins. With that, it is our goal as educators to make sure that each student develops that love of learning and is well balanced academically, socially, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
The uniforms required are very basic:
Red, Navy and White shirt, crew neck or golf style with 3 buttons. Boys can wear Navy or Khaki shorts or pants.
Girls can wear Navy or Khaki shorts, pants, skorts, and jumpers. Tights may be worn under skorts or jumpers, navy, white or cream in color.
Closed-toe shoes are preferred, especially on P.E. days. No flip flops at any time should be worn.
Dress down days will be announced by the Teacher in each class at their discretion.